L’intelligenza artificiale può essere cosciente?
Le dichiarazioni dello scienziato capo di Open AI riaprono il dibattito e scatenano le repliche furiose dei colleghi, che lo accusano di deviare l’attenz…
2023-05-06 14:57
Igiene cibernetica: 5 mosse facili per proteggere la nostra vita digitale
Password complesse, copia dei dati, aggiornamento del software, antivirus e crittografia (e un po’ di buon senso) ci aiutano a proteggere computer e smar…
2023-05-06 14:57
Starlink "disponibile immediatamente" anche in Italia: come funziona e quanto costa (spoiler: tantissimo)
Entra nel vivo la campagna del sistema di connettività satellitare di SpaceX: antenne e router arriveranno a casa per collegarsi fino a 200 MBs con late…
2023-05-06 14:57
Il business delle musichette di attesa: cos’è la muzak, com’è nata e perché
Il mercato della background music ha fruttato più di 1,5 miliardi di dollari nel 2021, crescerà di oltre il 5% in questo decennio ed entro il 203…
2023-05-06 14:57
シャンパーニュで過ごした夏至の1日。 モエ・エ・シャンドンの里、エペルネへ。
2023-05-06 14:57
2023-05-06 14:57
2023-05-06 14:57
I moved from New York City to Switzerland for 3 months. Here are 7 things that surprised me most.
While living in Basel, I was taken aback by how expensive the food was, the number of languages spoken, and the clean public transportation.
2023-05-06 14:57
Bosses at UK's biggest listed companies saw average pay soar to £3.41m last year, according to figures
The median pay package for FTSE 100 chief executives was up by 39 per cent from £2.46million the year before.
2023-05-06 14:57
Ten greatest moments of Bill Russell in Celtics icon’s career, ranked
Here are the ten greatest moments of legendary center Bill Russell in his NBA career with the Boston Celtics, ranked
2023-05-06 14:57
Passenger’s AirTag leads police to stolen luggage ring
An airport employee is facing two counts of grand theft for items worth over $16,000 after an AirTag led investigators to his apartment. Giovanni De Luca, 19, was arrested last week by Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office after an Apple AirTag led them to his address, deputies said in a Facebook post. A
2023-05-06 14:57
Solar Energy Boom Could Worsen Forced Labor in China, Group Says
(Bloomberg) -- The rising demand for solar energy threatens to increase the risk of forced labor in the supply chain,
2023-05-06 14:57
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