Jeden Tag Leitungswasser trinken: Enorme Auswirkungen auf den Körper
Jeden Tag eine vernünftige Menge an Wasser trinken? Das ist gesund. Jedoch gibt es aber einen Unterschied zwischen Leitungswasser und Wasser aus der Flasche?
2023-05-06 14:57
Garten-Hack: So düngen Sie Ihre Pflanzen mit Bananenschalen
Wenn Sie das nächste Mal eine Banane essen, sollten Sie die Schale nicht einfach in den Biomüll geben. Sie kann Ihnen im Garten noch gute Dienste leisten.
2023-05-06 14:57
Magnesio: por qué solemos tener déficit y cómo incorporarlo
Es uno de los minerales más importantes porque participa en muchas reacciones químicas del organismo. Cómo saber si escasea.
2023-05-06 14:57
"Mi perro, mi hijo": pros y contras de las mascotas como "un integrante más" de la familia
Tres cuartas partes de los argentinos con perros o gatos consideran que la mascota es como un hijo. Efectos de la 'humanización'.
2023-05-06 14:57
McDonald’s unveils Christmas menu featuring festive crispy chicken burger
McDonald's fans can now start getting in the mood for the most wonderful time of the year, with the Maccies Christmas menu due to hit restaurants on November 17 for six weeks only
2023-05-06 14:57
Drivers risk £5,000 fine if they wear Christmas jumpers, winter boots or coats
Drivers have been warned that dressing up in festive costumes including Santa outfits as well as some winter clothing that inhibits control of a vehicle could lead to a £5,000 fine
2023-05-06 14:57
Seals can change the tone of their voice just like humans, study finds
Harbour seals lowered the tone of their voice when they were played sounds of the sea, report scientists at a research centre in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
2023-05-06 14:57
Dr Rupy Aujla reveals the five healthy foods you should be eating
NHS GP and founder of The Doctor's Kitchen Dr Rupy Aujla offers his tips on eating well and why it's ok to indulge from time to time.
2023-05-06 14:57
Aldi's real Christmas trees are back with prices starting from just £15
If you still need to buy a Christmas tree, head over to Aldi to pick up one of the retailer's bargain festive offerings
2023-05-06 14:57
Nasa finds new planet in orbit around two different stars
Nasa has found a new planet in orbit around two stars, using an unprecedented technique.
2023-05-06 14:57
Easy Elf on the Shelf ideas for Christmas 2021
Dreaming up funny, naughty poses for Elf on the Shelf every day can be hard work. Here, we've compiled the best (and easiest) ideas to use.
2023-05-06 14:57
Was tun, wenn der Partner nicht im Haushalt hilft?
In Sachen Haushalt übernimmt oftmals einer oder eine die meisten Aufgaben. Herrscht deshalb schlechte Stimmung, weiß Paarberaterin Silvia Fauck, was ...
2023-05-06 14:57
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